Playing in TheatreWork’s New Works Festival

Okay, we’ve got a lot of ground to cover so let’s jump right in! Chairs. Stands. Lights. And voice. If you’ve been following this blog for some time you’ll know that I do my best to promote new work on stage. And new work often comes in various forms, and one of them are stage…

To Bench or not to Bench

TO BENCH! No question. A three performance weekend w h o o s h e d by faster than a Felix Baumgartner could re-enter the atmosphere. Alright, maybe not that fast but dammit, time flies when you’re having fun and the Bench Project II was over before I knew it. I was just starting to…

What is cue to cue?

Or in short, Q2Q. And according to Wikipedia (hah):  A cue-to-cue is when the sound and lights are run with certain parts of scenes within the production. Usually a scene will start with the first few lines and then skip to the lines and staged blocking for the next cue. This whole process can take many…

Ain’t nobody got time for that

Sweet Brown will tell you, “Ain’t nobody got time for that.” Those were the guiding words during our rehearsal for The Lookout. Before I tell you who Sweet Brown is, and why she didn’t have time for that (whatever that is), let me first tell you of some good news! After some time away from touching anything…

Dodging Bullets

Dodging bullets, not literally of course… That’s the name of the other short play I’ve been cast in for 06 Ensemble’s The Bench Project II (seven plays total). It’s written and directed by 06 Ensemble’s co-founding member, Skyler Garcia. I applaud his debut (both in writing and directing) effort! The script reads well; pacing is…

Bench me

I’m grateful to be benched. I’ve been cast in two short plays that will be in the line up for The 06 Ensemble’s Bench Project II! I’m not sure how I managed that but I won’t question the good fortune! You might be asking yourself, “Bench Projects…that sounds familiar…where have I heard it before?”. It’s because…

Seven Years

Cliché incoming: I can remember still remember it like it was yesterday… With Yes, We’re Open completing its screening run at the 2012 Hawai’i International Film Festival I’m flooded with emotions that have arrived from the joyful realization that everything I’ve been doing has helped me move forward as an artist. I learned an important thing….

The weekend was the truth

2Nai means true. (Pronounced) Tunay means true. But before we get into that, I want to send a shout to to Jeremy for being a cool-ass-guy; Hung out, grubbed, and just had a chill time over all. It’s nice to take a brief break from some of the pre-production tasks involved in my movie, Just…

Dig In Magazine Interview

Dig In Magazine Interview

Soon after the World Premiere of Yes, We’re Open at the 30th Annual San Francisco International Asian American Film Festival, I had the pleasure of being interviewed by Dig In Magazine. It’s been a neat little trip and I’m eternally grateful for all those involved!

Filming in the theater

No no, I didn’t go and do some video pirating. I spent a few hours yesterday filming the interview portion of what will end up in the New Play Development Factory promotional video. If you’re into theatre AND the process of taking something from page to stage (thanks for that phrase Cara), then stage/developmental readings are…

Double Feature

A wonderfully visual recap of yesterday’s San Francisco Int’l Asian American Film Festival World Premiere of YES, WE’RE OPEN at the Castro Theater in SF! Thanks Lynn!

Voices were scene.

March has been full of surprises that I knew were there. Wait, before you say, “That doesn’t even make sense!”, hear me out. I had a rough idea of what was going to be happening in March -activities, deadlines, film festivals, but I was surprised at the emotions that have been following me through the…