Playing in TheatreWork’s New Works Festival

Okay, we’ve got a lot of ground to cover so let’s jump right in! Chairs. Stands. Lights. And voice. If you’ve been following this blog for some time you’ll know that I do my best to promote new work on stage. And new work often comes in various forms, and one of them are stage…

The Drunken City

It takes a lot of people to put on a theater show. It also takes a lot of focus, talent, hard work and a central vision to make it memorable. I’m assistant directing The Drunken City at Renegade Theatre Experiment in San Jose and with opening night being only two days away, I can’t help but acknowledge…

May 2013 in Photography

Just when I thought April came and went without a peep, May seemed to whiz by with even more turbo. Only after reviewing the photos I’ve taken during the month did I realize why that was. It was choke full of activities both on the work front, and in the various passionate endeavors I engaged…

February 2013 in Photography

February was a month of travel. I did a lot of train commuting from San Jose to San Francisco for rehearsals for A Kind of Sad Love Story. Without fail, I came out with a handful of photos that represented the month quite well.

To Bench or not to Bench

TO BENCH! No question. A three performance weekend w h o o s h e d by faster than a Felix Baumgartner could re-enter the atmosphere. Alright, maybe not that fast but dammit, time flies when you’re having fun and the Bench Project II was over before I knew it. I was just starting to…

November 2012 in Photography

November 2012 has been an inconsistent month when it comes to weather. This time last year, I was Mr. Bundle-Up. On this go around, I can’t count how many times I’ve had to change my wardrobe upon stepping out of my place on account of a drastic shift in weather. November came and went without…

All over Saturday

Variety is the spice of Life! That’s what they say, right? Well, Saturday didn’t say it, it yelled it! My morning started an Arts Expo where I got to meet a lot of interesting organizations that provide resources to educators to bring arts back into schools. We need more of this! You can’t knock on…


To flourish. I like engaging in all manners of creative activity. It is the water to my seed, my growth factor, my balance. Last week I had the opportunity to shoot some portraits with some friends. I met Fleur through a good friend of mine, Liz (a guest blogger of mine), over a year ago…

I left my alpaca in San Francisco

“Dress in layers.” they told me when I first moved to San Francisco for college. It’s true! Well, sort of. If you’re hauling around a 15-20lb. bag for miles then the layers mean much less. Which happened to be the case, last Saturday. San Francisco’s weather continues to surprise -it went to balmy romp to…

Balancing life with the weekend

And a healthy dose of balance. This weekend has been a treat. As you might remember, I wrapped my short film, JUST LIKE THAT, last week and I’ve been taking every opportunity to hang out with friends, watch movies, eat tasty treats and even catch a little theatre. Friday night was spent with some old…

A week in photos

I don’t know why it’s taken me this long to start a “A week in photos” series! I usually enjoy sharing photos I’ve taken with my dSLR, but if you’re with me on Twitter/Facebook, you’d notice that I like posting photos via Instagram (which took some self-convincing to do) throughout the week. Really, a lot…

The rest that can be said

The Bench Project was a huge success! Sold out house, +7 additional seats that were added. Look for yourself. Admission was free if you brought a book to donate to The East Bay Children’s Book Project. The day started out in earnest, a good homemade meal. In this case, I was able to scrounge up…