Voices were scene.

March has been full of surprises that I knew were there. Wait, before you say, “That doesn’t even make sense!”, hear me out. I had a rough idea of what was going to be happening in March -activities, deadlines, film festivals, but I was surprised at the emotions that have been following me through the…

Voices that Aspire

As a kid growing up on American Samoa, I often marveled (through movies, music, and literature) at the World beyond the island shores. I wondered about the food, the sounds, the sights, but mostly the people. And to go deeper, I was curious about the people who were creating art; The artists behind all of…

Cinequest is back (2009)!

Weird. I thought I blogged about my Cinequest experiences from last year but I realized I actually wrote it in a journal and NOT online! Well, this year, it’s going to this blog. For those that are unfamiliar with it, Cinequest is a widely known Film Festival based in the Silicon Valley. The organization utilize…

Adobe Youth Voices

Today I had the privilege of attending one of Adobe Youth Voice‘s workshops. I was originally asked to help present, interview and document the event but as the day progressed so did my involvement. Just a quick background for those I haven’t told already, I’m part of a media team lead by Vincent Lowe and…

Cheers with Peers

Due to the nature of my career path, I’m always mixed with an assortment of people. They say networking is one of the most important aspects of an actor’s job but to what degree? How aggressive should the networking be? I’d like to think that you should only push far enough that you’re not putting…